miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Don't loose your rights..

Part of the process.. NOT the solution.. nor the means.. more like the "noise" in the channel..
It's only a step of the long ladder of a conflict or a discussion.. more like "the fat in a burger"..

If you are stuck in this step..
If this step is the only thing you are good at..

You have just lost your right to be different than the rest..
You lost your right to ask the rest to change, to be different..

Change must come from inside.. (inside YOU) Change should be your banner and the first motivation for your complaint because "I AM MAD AS HELL AND I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE"..
Your bread and butter..

If you complain without actually taking steps into the path to resolution..
Then you will not and should stop communicating with others..
Because you are part of the problem.

And those complaints generate problems to the people around you which in exchange will complain about you..
"Your only accomplishment by complaining to me right now is wasting my time.. Good Job kid"

So remember..
Complain all you want.. Is just noise.. Just have a plan running along it, to track the progress of the actual resolution to that which is the cause of the complaint.

If you decide not to.. (have a plan) Then go and talk to a WALL.. Because complains are just cancer.. Something dead that grows inside you and goes nowhere and accomplishes absolutely nothing, while killing you and your loved ones in the process.

Scary? I know right?

Thanks for reading :)

And remember..
I am your wall


Welcome 2012:
In honor to you I've created today DVT: Deep Vein Thinking.. I hope you like it and find it somewhat useful for your life, or at least mildly interesting.
Keep your eyes open.

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